One of Malaysia's Most Affordable & Complete Life Insurance Plans!

48 Critical Illnesses Coverage
of RM300,000

Life Coverage
of RM300,000

Accidental Coverage
of RM600,000

52 Annual Blood Screening
+ 5 Cancer Markers

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Benefits of Life Insurance

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is PHM Prime Life 48 Program?

PHM Prime Life 48 is a non-participating yearly renewable group term life plan offered to customers of Pathlab Health Management (M) Sdn Bhd (“PHM”).

Customers between age 30 days old to 65 years old (next birthday) may purchase this life insurance plan for coverage against death, Total and Permanent Disability (“TPD”) due to natural and accidental causes and Accelerated Critical Illness Benefit. The plan is guaranteed yearly renewable up to Insured attaining age 80 years old (next birthday).

What is the coverage term?

The plan is guaranteed yearly renewable up to Insured attaining age 80 years old (next birthday).

Do I need to undergo medical check-up to buy the plan?

No. You just need to answer 4 simple health questionnaires after selecting your desired membership package.

How do I receive my Certificate document after purchase?

Upon successful application of the plan, you will be receiving your eCertificate via email.

Can I change my payment frequency mode?

Yes, you may change your payment frequency mode upon Certificate renewal. Only Annual or Monthly mode is allowed for this plan.

Can I change the amount of cover after purchasing it?

You can opt to reduce the amount or downgrade the plan but increase the amount or upgrading the plan is not allowed.

To whom will my Certificate of Insurance pay in the event of death?

The benefits will be paid to whom you have nominated as your beneficiaries. For Total and Permanent Disability claim or Accelerating Critical Illness claim, the benefits will be payable to you.

Will my insurance coverage terminate if I’m no longer a customer of PHM?

Yes. If you are no longer a customer of PHM, your Certificate of Insurance will continue to be in force and the benefit under the said Certificate shall continue to apply until the day immediately before the next premium due date. Thereafter, the coverage will completely cease and the Certificate will not be renewed.

Will my insurance coverage terminate if the Master Policy has been terminated?

Yes. If the Master Policy has been terminated, your Certificate of Insurance will continue to be in force and the benefit under the said Certificate shall continue to apply until the day immediately before the next premium due date. Thereafter, the coverage will completely cease and the Certificate will not be renewed.

If my Certificate of Insurance is terminated 30 days after non-payment of premium (lapsed), can I revive my policy?

No, reinstatement of a lapsed policy is not allowed. Therefore, it is important that you pay your premium on time.

Disclaimer: MetaFin users have the option to directly self-sign up for the PHM Prime Life 48 Program in the MetaFin DIY Digital platform. This program is underwritten by Manulife Malaysia, and the enrollment process is facilitated by authorized insurance agency, Pathlab Health Management (M) Sdn. Bhd. The information herein may not fully reflect the context of the product disclosure sheet and full terms of the policy. Please refer to the documents for a detailed description of the product's features and the conditions under which any claims are made. MetaFin is not liable for misinterpretation of product benefits and claim conditions as described in the policy wording sheet and product disclosure sheet.

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