They say the best gift for the younger generation is the gift of knowledge. The legacy of early education on insurance will help to secure your child’s future.

The insurance that a person avails to usually progresses in stages, beginning from health insurance to car insurance, then home insurance as a person’s responsibilities evolves with age. In this article, we explore the importance of health insurance and its long-term benefits, be it for young adults or individuals across all walks of life.

Why to commit to health insurance?

  1. Evolving healthcare landscape
  2. Budgeting and planning
  3. Risk management
  4. Build long-term financial security
  5. Understanding contracts and legal obligation
  6. Preparing for adulthood

#1 Evolving healthcare landscape:

Although Malaysia’s government hospitals are highly subsidized as their mandate to ensure all citizens have access to basic healthcare services regardless of their income level, acquiring insurance empowers an individual to afford private healthcare in the long run. The foremost reason for this is reduced waiting times because more doctors are shifting to private practices for better salary opportunities. Private practices’ quick response to emergencies may just save your life. On a side note, there might be a wider range of specialized treatments in privatized hospitals, however government hospitals in Malaysia are usually well equipped.

#2 Budgeting and planning:

For young adults coming into the workforce, setting aside disposable income for an insurance plan instills financial responsibility to plan ahead for unforeseen financial setbacks such as accidents and age-related diseases. Premiums are much lower when bought at this age as compared to premiums bought at the ages of 45 and above, thus premium payments will not burden the young adult financially in the long run. 

#3 Risk management:

As the incidence of non-communicable diseases continues to rise due to sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary habits, and genetic predispositions, the importance of health insurance has become undeniable. Hospitalization, specialized treatments, or surgical procedures in the private healthcare sector can entail exuberant costs.

Understanding insurance helps young people learn how to manage financial risk effectively by spreading their funds over an extended period of time.

#4 Build long-term financial security:

Teaching youth about insurance enables them to make informed decisions about allocating their resources to protect themselves and their assets from unforeseen events that could result in financial losses. This proactive approach helps in building a secure financial future by ensuring that they have the necessary protection in place to weather any financial challenges that may arise. In essence, it empowers them to take control of their financial well-being and work towards achieving long-term financial stability and security.

#5 Understanding contracts and legal obligation:

Insurance policies are legal contracts that outline the terms and conditions of coverage. Educating youth about insurance helps them develop the skills to read and understand insurance policies, including coverage limits, deductibles, exclusions, and other important details. This knowledge empowers them to make informed choices and advocate for their rights as policyholders.

#6 Preparing for adulthood:

As youth transition into adulthood and become financially independent, learning about insurance can develop good financial habits and behaviours that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Teaching them about insurance during their formative years prepares them to navigate the complexities of the insurance market and make informed decisions about their coverage needs as they enter adulthood.

So, as we conclude our discussion on the significance of health insurance for young adults, let’s remember that investing in insurance today is an investment in tomorrow’s peace of mind and security. It’s about laying the foundation for a future where financial stability and protection go hand in hand, ensuring that our loved ones are safeguarded against life’s uncertainties. As the adage goes, save for a rainy day.

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By Misha

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