Cheap Car Insurance – What matters most? Price Or Safety?
When it comes to car insurance, many drivers in Malaysia more likely to focus on one thing: PRICE. Since de-tariffication or we can say as removing the tariff structure or…
When it comes to car insurance, many drivers in Malaysia more likely to focus on one thing: PRICE. Since de-tariffication or we can say as removing the tariff structure or…
What comes to mind when you think about car insurance in Malaysia? How many companies provide car insurance? What types of coverage are available? Where can you renew your insurance?…
Car Road Tax Prices for Proton (2024) Here is a list of current Proton car road tax prices. Car Model Cubic-capacity Semenanjung Malaysia Sabah & Sarawak Proton Ertiga 1.4 1373cc…
Harga Road Tax Kereta Proton (2024) Berikut adalah senarai harga road tax kereta proton atau harga cukai jalan kereta Proton terkini. Car Model Cubic-Capacity Semenanjung Malaysia Sabah & Sarawak Proton…
While all car owners in Malaysia are required to renew their car insurance policies annually, there might arise situations where you may want to cancel the policy even before its…
Walaupun semua pemilik kereta di Malaysia dikehendaki memperbaharui polisi insurans kereta mereka setiap tahun, mungkin terdapat situasi di mana anda mahu membatalkan polisi itu sebelum tarikh tamatnya. Adakah ini dibenarkan?…
All prices displayed below are JPJ’s base rate for vehicles in Peninsular Malaysia. Note: As our service provider is based in Peninsular Malaysia, all road tax renewals will be based…
Nota: Harga yang dipaparkan di bawah adalah kadar asas JPJ untuk kenderaan di Semenanjung Malaysia. Jadual 1: Perbandingan Kapasiti Enjin Kereta dengan Kadar Asas Cukai Jalan Contoh: Untuk Kereta Sedan…
Transferring car ownership in Malaysia is a straightforward process, essential for both buyers and sellers. Understanding the legal requirements and steps involved ensures a smooth and hassle-free transaction. This article…
Pemindahan pemilikan kereta di Malaysia adalah proses yang mudah difahami, penting untuk pembeli dan penjual. Memahami keperluan undang-undang dan langkah-langkah yang terlibat memastikan transaksi yang lancar dan tanpa masalah. Artikel…