From basic coverages in car insurance to comprehensive insurance packages, car insurance is a varied topic as it provides coverages for risks at different levels.

Take for example the “Optional Add-On Benefits”, although it is purchased by choice and the coverage refers to additional protection extended to the car beyond the standard coverage, the additional risks covered may just save you from forking out large sums from your disposable income to pay for your car’s restoration.

Whether you’re a seasoned driver looking to bolster your existing coverage or a new driver exploring your insurance options, understanding these optional benefits can help you tailor your insurance policy to better suit your needs and provide additional peace of mind on the road. Let’s explore the array of optional add-on benefits (and what it means) that can complement your car insurance coverage.

#1 Special Perils Coverage

Special Perils coverage is particularly beneficial in Malaysia’s unpredictable weather conditions. This insurance protects your car from natural disasters such as floods, storms, landslides and earthquakes. If you frequently commute in the Klang Valley area and the like, considering this add-on could be a wise choice.

#2 Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion Extension

An add-on protection against damages to the insured vehicle resulting from riots, strikes, or civil unrest. This extension is particularly valuable for individuals who live or work in urban areas prone to social or political unrest.

#3 Compensation for Assessed Repair Time Extension(CART)

This coverage provides policyholders with compensation for the time their vehicle is being repaired at a workshop or repair facility. During this time, the policyholder may be without their vehicle, leading to inconvenience and potentially additional expenses for alternative transportation.

The compensation is typically provided on a daily basis for the duration of the repair period.

#4 Smart Driver Personal Accident Extension (SDPA)

The PA cover under motor insurance policy provides financial protection to the insured driver and passengers in the event of injuries, death or any permanent disability resulting due to an accident.

The insured is compensated for medical expenses, death compensation to designated beneficiaries and compensation for loss of income if driver suffers a permanent disability. Other coverages may include ambulance fees, funeral expenses, and temporary or partial disability benefits.

#5 Legal Liability of Passengers Extension (LLP)

In the event of passengers in the insured vehicle are injured or killed in an accident for which the insured driver is found legally liable, the LLP coverage helps cover the costs associated with legal claims, settlements and medical bills.

#6 Legal Liability of Passengers Act of Negligent Extension (LLAN)

If passengers in the insured vehicle bring legal claims alleging negligence on the part of the insured driver, the LLAN coverage helps cover the costs associated with defending against such claims and any resulting legal liabilities. This can include legal fees, court costs, and damages awarded to passengers if the insured driver is found negligent.

#7 Parts Maintenance New Paint Coat

A supplementary coverage option available in some car insurance policies. This extension typically provides coverage for the cost of repainting or refinishing the repaired parts of your vehicle following an accident or damage covered under your insurance policy.

#8 Breakage of Windscreen, Window or Sunroof

The cost of repair or replacement of these parts will be covered by your insurance. Choosing this add-on will also enable your No-Claim Discount status to be unaffected.


In conclusion, understanding the optional add-on benefits of car insurance is essential for drivers seeking comprehensive coverage and financial protection. These add-ons serve as a contingency plan, offering additional safeguards against various risks that standard coverage may not fully address.

By tailoring your insurance policy to include these add-ons, you can better protect yourself, your passengers, and your vehicle against unforeseen circumstances, ensuring a smoother and more secure driving experience.

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By Misha

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